

  • 片名:法国性谋杀[电影解说]
  • 类型: 电影解说
  • 主演:Anita,Ekberg,Rosalba,Neri,Evelyne,Kraft,Howard,Vernon,Pietro,Martellanza,Barbara,Bouchet,Robert,Sacchi,Eva,Astor
  • 导演:Ferdinando,Merighi
  • 年份:1972
  • 地区:其它
  • 热度:450
  • 收藏:266
  • 评分:4.0
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2023-06-17 15:06:11
  • 简介:  Formerly, the usual UK title was THE BOGEY MAN AND THE FRENCH MURDERS. There's also a Greek video with the sleeve title, CALL GIRLS FOR INSPECTOR BOGART. The inspector is not named Bogart, nor does he get any call girls, but who cares? It's a title that sells.  There's a killer in Paris, a suicide from the Eiffel Tower, a brothel as the main setting, insane professors, an eye-ball thief, an inspector who looks like Humphrey Bogart (for no apparent reason), a truly creepy Anita Ekberg, and an impressive line-up of Euro-stars. How Dick Randall assembled this cast is beyond me, but he did it. Besides Anita Ekberg, there's Rosalba Neri (who even sings a song in a nightclub), Barbara Bouchet, Evelyn Kraft, Howard Vernon, and Robert Sacchi as inspector Pontaine or Humphrey Bogart. The title is pretty accurate. The murders take place during, before or after sex in a brothel in Paris. In between, the Bogey-man snoops around trying to track down the killer, but he is not too bright. You'll probably have figured it out long before he does.  The film's producer was American Dick Randall who took residence in Rome in the '60s but basically was wherever the deals where made, which meant Rome in the '60s, Bangkok and Hong Kong in the '70s and London in the '80s. Whilst residing in Italy, he payed close attention and decided to take a shot at the giallo as well, and produced this piece of cinematic soufflé. It's a perfect example of totally round the bend Euro-tosh, with a rather tame execution actually. The direction is not wildly imaginative, a workman's job at best, so don't expect outrageous Italian craftsmanship and style here, but some spicing-up in the editing by Bruno Mattei.  The special effects were done by future Oscar-winner Carlo Rambaldi of ET fame. I guess he learned a lot since this one. Of course, the presence of Robert Sacchi, among some other ingredients (mostly the cast) give this film a certain weird identity of its own. All together, it's pretty much a poor man's interpretation of an Italian Giallo.  The version on Mondo Macabro's DVD never existed in this form. From various copies, they assembled the longest version they could possibly paste together. There's an English audio-track, but a couple of scenes appear in Italian with subtitles.  imdb comment
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《法国性谋杀[电影解说]》  Formerly, the usual UK title was THE BOGEY MAN AND THE FRENCH MURDERS. There's also a Greek video with the sleeve title, CALL GIRLS FOR INSPECTOR BOGART. The inspector is not named Bogart, nor does he get any call girls, but who cares? It's a title that sells.  There's a killer in Paris, a suicide from the Eiffel Tower, a brothel as the main setting, insane professors, an eye-ball thief, an inspector who looks like Humphrey Bogart (for no apparent reason), a truly creepy Anita Ekberg, and an impressive line-up of Euro-stars. How Dick Randall assembled this cast is beyond me, but he did it. Besides Anita Ekberg, there's Rosalba Neri (who even sings a song in a nightclub), Barbara Bouchet, Evelyn Kraft, Howard Vernon, and Robert Sacchi as inspector Pontaine or Humphrey Bogart. The title is pretty accurate. The murders take place during, before or after sex in a brothel in Paris. In between, the Bogey-man snoops around trying to track down the killer, but he is not too bright. You'll probably have figured it out long before he does.  The film's producer was American Dick Randall who took residence in Rome in the '60s but basically was wherever the deals where made, which meant Rome in the '60s, Bangkok and Hong Kong in the '70s and London in the '80s. Whilst residing in Italy, he payed close attention and decided to take a shot at the giallo as well, and produced this piece of cinematic soufflé. It's a perfect example of totally round the bend Euro-tosh, with a rather tame execution actually. The direction is not wildly imaginative, a workman's job at best, so don't expect outrageous Italian craftsmanship and style here, but some spicing-up in the editing by Bruno Mattei.  The special effects were done by future Oscar-winner Carlo Rambaldi of ET fame. I guess he learned a lot since this one. Of course, the presence of Robert Sacchi, among some other ingredients (mostly the cast) give this film a certain weird identity of its own. All together, it's pretty much a poor man's interpretation of an Italian Giallo.  The version on Mondo Macabro's DVD never existed in this form. From various copies, they assembled the longest version they could possibly paste together. There's an English audio-track, but a couple of scenes appear in Italian with subtitles.  imdb comment


  • 2016
    7.0 刘涛,蒋欣,王子文,杨紫,乔欣,祖峰,王凯,张陆,靳东,杨烁,张晓谦,郭晓然,陈牧扬,任伟,宁文彤,王永泉,王宏,丁勇岱,吴昊宸,穆丽燕,冯晖,谭希和,刘敏涛,张乃华,康群智,岳旸,赵千紫,王雯诗,胡伊静,隋雨蒙,朱梦瑶,石云鹏,汤亦程,王娜娜,刘琳,李雪婷,戴美虹,孙栋
  • 2017
    7.0 杰西卡·巴登,埃里克斯·劳瑟,史蒂夫·奥拉姆,杰玛·韦兰,乌米·马萨库,克里斯汀·博顿利,纳温·乔杜里,杰克·维尔,乔纳森·阿里斯,巴里·沃德,凯莉·哈里森,霍莉·比奇,波丽·坎普,亚历克斯·索耶,伊莲恩·戴维斯,凯利斯顿·韦勒英,艾玛·阿普尔顿,杰夫·贝尔,玛格丽特·安·贝恩,亚当·布朗,亚历克斯·贝克特,朱丽叶·考恩,马特·金,海韦尔·摩根,利昂·阿诺,加里·萨默斯,莉莉·卡瓦纳,西蒙·勒纳根,泰勒斯·麦肯齐,路易斯·温特,厄尔·凯夫,费莉西蒂·蒙塔古
  • 2013
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  • 2016
    8.0 李帝勋,赵震雄,金惠秀,张铉诚,金元海,郑涵妃,郑海钧
  • 2012
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  • 2019
    7.0 杰西卡·巴登,埃里克斯·劳瑟,娜奥米·阿基,史蒂夫·奥拉姆,克里斯汀·博顿利,乔纳森·阿里斯,乔什·迪伦,蒂姆·凯,布朗温·詹姆斯,佩特逊·约瑟夫,杰克·维尔,亚历山大·莱利,凯莉·哈里森,佛罗伦萨·贝尔,多萝茜·皮特斯-劳
  • 2015
    1.0 艾米莉亚·克拉克,彼特·丁拉基,基特·哈灵顿,琳娜·海蒂,尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道,麦茜·威廉姆斯,苏菲·特纳,娜塔莉·多默尔,艾丹·吉伦,斯蒂芬·迪兰,约翰·布莱德利,娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔,格温多兰·克里斯蒂,伊恩·格雷,阿尔菲·艾伦,米希尔·赫伊斯曼,朱利安·格洛弗,伊恩·麦克尔希尼,卡里斯·范·侯登,亚历山大·希迪格,乔纳森·普雷斯,凯莎·卡斯特-休伊斯,托比·塞巴斯蒂安,尼尔·泰格·弗莉,道比·欧帕瑞,恩佐·科伦蒂,杰西卡·亨维克,罗莎贝尔·劳伦蒂·塞勒斯,马克·加蒂斯
  • 2013
    1.0 麦茜·威廉姆斯,艾米莉亚·克拉克,理查德·麦登,伊萨克·亨普斯特德-怀特,斯蒂芬·迪兰,彼特·丁拉基,尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道,杰克·格里森,基特·哈灵顿,苏菲·特纳,托马斯·布罗迪-桑斯特,约瑟夫·戴浦西,娜塔丽·特纳,汉娜·穆雷,娜塔莉·多默尔
  • 2012
    3.0 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,马丁·弗瑞曼,鲁珀特·格雷夫斯,马克·加蒂斯,安德鲁·斯科特,尤娜·斯塔布斯,露易丝·布瑞丽,劳拉·普沃,凯瑟琳·帕金森,拉塞尔·托维,阿米莉亚·布摩,伊恩·哈拉德,丹尼·韦伯,奥娜·卓别林,安德鲁·哈维尔,托德·博伊斯,理查德·坎宁汉姆,卢克·纽伯里,罗莎琳德·霍尔斯特德,彼得·佩德罗,霍纳·妮芙茜,汤玛欣·蓝德,利萨·麦克阿里斯特,Simon,Thorp,Anthony,Cozens,Rosemary,Smith
  • 2014
    7.0 彼特·丁拉基,尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道,琳娜·海蒂,艾米莉亚·克拉克,基特·哈灵顿,查尔斯·丹斯,娜塔莉·多默尔,杰克·格里森,苏菲·特纳,麦茜·威廉姆斯,约翰·布莱德利,伊萨克·亨普斯特德-怀特,露丝·莱斯利,克里斯托弗·海维尤,罗伊·麦克凯恩,格温多兰·克里斯蒂,伊恩·格雷,阿尔菲·艾伦,克里斯蒂安·奈恩,米希尔·赫伊斯曼,艾丹·吉伦,杰罗姆·弗林,西贝尔·凯基莉,朱利安·格洛弗,伊恩·麦克尔希尼,卡里斯·范·侯登